
Entity Definition

Logical Name : CostValuationLedgerAccountHistory
Physical Name : LE_HST_STKACT_CST

The CostValuation portion of the StockLedgerAccount figures.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
MerchandiseHierarchyGroupID (FK)(PK) Unique system assigned identifier for a group or class of merchandise. ID_MRHRC_GP Identity integer CostValuationLedgerAccount(LE_STKACT_CST)
ReportingPeriodID (FK)(PK) The unique system assigned identifier for a particular ReportingPeriod. ID_PRD_RP Identity integer ReportingPeriod(CA_PRD_RP)
RevenueCostCenterID (FK)(PK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for an accounting budget, that owns merchandise and is used to track the financial performance of the retail enterprise. ID_CTR_RVN_CST Identity integer CostValuationLedgerAccount(LE_STKACT_CST)
CumulativeReceivedCostAmount The cumulative cost value of units received by the MerchandisingRevenueCenter since the beginning of the historical ReportingPeriod. This figure is used to update the AverageWeightedUnitCost of Items during the ReportingPeriod. TC_RCV_CM Money decimal(16,5)
BeginningAverageWeightedUnitCost The current weighted average cost for each retail sale unit of this item at the beginning of the historical ReportingPeriod. CP_UN_AV_WT_BGN MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)
EndingAverageWeightedUnitCost The current weighted average cost for each retail sale unit of this item at the end of the historical ReportingPeriod. CP_UN_AV_WT_END MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
CostValuationLedgerAccount is tracked by CostValuationLedgerAccountHistory
ReportingPeriod delineates CostValuationLedgerAccountHistory

Logical Views containing CostValuationLedgerAccountHistory

Logical View
Logical 02000 - Item Inventory and Stock Ledger View
Logical 03300 - Reporting - Stock Ledger View